terça-feira, junho 11, 2013


Mais e mais o relacionamento pessoal e institucional na academia mundial vem ganhando importância no mundo globalizado. No site abaixo indicado são apontadas algumas das possibilidades já implantadas nesta área...... com opções de leitura em diversos idiomas.
                                                                                                                    Por Rubens Ruprecht.


What is PASCH?

The “Schools: Partners for the Future” initiative

Scholarship recipients with Foreign Minister Westerwelle| © PASCH-net.de

What is the PASCH initiative?

PASCH stands for the "Schools: Partners for the Future" initiative. It is a global network of some 1,500 schools that place a high value on German.
PASCH is an initiative of the Federal Foreign Office in cooperation with the Central Agency for Schools Abroad (ZfA), the Goethe-Institut (GI), the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Educational Exchange Service of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany (PAD).
Aims of the initiative
What the initiative offers 
FAQ – about the PASCH initiative

Which schools are members of the network?

An interactive world map shows which schools are members of the "Schools: Partners for the Future" initiative.
To the map

What is PASCH net?

PASCH net is the initiative's website. At www.pasch net.de there is a general section, a sec-tion for pupils, and a section for teachers. Some sections of the website can only be accessed by those learning and teaching German at PASCH schools. Registration is required.
Information about the website 
Information on registration 

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